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Quality Guard:
the application for
allergens & food safety

Quality Guard is the number one solution for managing food safety, allergens and nutritional information.


What does Quality Guard do?


Quality Guard: self-monitoring system for allergens and food safety

FSA maintains strict legislation around allergens, food safety and hygiene.
Quality Guard is a self-checking system in the form of a user-friendly application.
Ruim 5000 bedrijven, zoals bakkers, slagers, horecazaken, grootkeukens en detailhandels maken al gebruik van deze toepassing en besteden zo tot 95 % minder tijd aan allergenenbeheer en onderhoud.

HACCP guidelines hassle-free in your kitchen

With Quality Guard, you can be sure of proper hygiene in your kitchen, at all times. Use the app to keep track of your HACCP hygiene plan and you’ll have your HACCP certificate in no time!


Our customers’ favourite features

Delivery module

Easily draw up delivery notes and order receipts, automatically linked to the correct batch numbers.

Temperature recording

Monitor product temperatures with wireless temperature sensors in your deep freezes and chillers. If the temperature isn’t optimal, you’ll receive an automatic email or SMS alert.

Task management

Assign your staff regular tasks, linked to instructions . That way, you can work more efficiently and maintain an overview of everybody’s assigned tasks.

Online shop

Place orders for raw materials with an individual code. You can inform your employees immediately about which raw materials need to be ordered.

Print labels and product information sheets

Print labels for all packaging formats at the touch of a button. Use the label printer installed by Quality Guard, or export allergen information and nutritional values to your packing machines, scales or tills.

Recipe book

Manage your recipes with our convenient digital tool. Quality Guard adds all your suppliers and the products you get from them to the app. That way, accurate allergen and nutritional information is linked to your own recipes.

Take a look at all the other possibilities!

What our satisfied customers have to say

 Bart Menten

Bart Menten

Patisserie Blanckaert

“Word about our quality and fine products has spread well beyond Tongeren! I’ve got a flair for scenting out good things and only let the very best out of our doors. And that’s just why I’m happy to recommend Quality Guard! It’s the ideal software system for self-monitoring, allergen management, labelling and temperature recording.”

Bernard Proot

Bernard Proot

Chocolatier DelRey

“Have you heard of Relais Desserts? It’s an exclusive organisation of the world’s top 100 pâtissiers – and yes, we are a member. We have extremely high requirements when it comes to selecting our raw materials, formulating and processing our products, the dedication and expertise of our staff… and, last but certainly not least, when it comes to food safety. And that's why Quality Guard is perfect for us. It’s met every one of our expectations.”

Nicolas Boelens

Nicolas Boelens

Bakkerij Nicolas

“As a pâtissier, I try and remain true to the rustic aspect of bread, but I don’t shy away from introducing a modern element. Our core business is focused on artisanal bread and patisserie with a contemporary touch. I’m a member of the Eurobanketkring, a group of businesses who number among the best pâtissiers in our country. As a professional, it is my duty to follow the laws relating to food safety. The Quality Guard app helps our whole team to do this.”

Hendrik Dierendonck

Hendrik Dierendonck

Slagerij Dierendonck

“Butchery is a craft, and that’s a fact. If you want to create professional quality today, you also need a focus on food safety. The Smiley tells our customers that what we do is very pure and hygienic. Personally, I think one of the best things about Quality Guard is that it involves the whole team on the journey to maximum food safety. It’s become our collective mission!”

Jan Staes

Jan Staes

Keurslagers Staes – Van Zummeren

“The customer is king – that’s my motto. When our customers ask about allergens and nutritional values, it’s important that they get accurate information. We were awarded our Smiley with the support of the Quality Guard app. Our experience meant we were able to make contributions to the system, but we also learned a huge amount.”

Robin Janssens

Robin Janssens

De Burgerij

“We are extremely proud of our local restaurant and the quality that we serve. We always try and use the freshest products – in fact, that’s just what sets us apart. Our meat is cut, filleted, minced, weighed, prepared and served all on the same day. We never take shortcuts when it comes to quality or food safety and we expect the same attitude from Quality Guard. We’re delighted that Quality Guard’s own quality objectives match our own.”

Familie Roger - Vanhoutte

Familie Roger - Vanhoutte

Brasserie Faro

“Before Quality Guard, we weren’t able to give our full attention to food safety, which was a concern for us. Nowadays, we’ve succeeded in going paperless and we record everything in the app. We’ve also found that tools like the recipe module save us a lot of time. The Smiley certificate is the perfect confirmation that we’ve achieved our objective to make food safety a priority. We’ve had our Smiley up on the wall here since June 2015 and we couldn't be prouder!”

Peter Van den Bossche

Peter Van den Bossche

Brasserie Latem

“In our kitchen, you’ll find a variety of fresh products and delicious, authentic dishes. We choose our fresh ingredients carefully and transform them into simple, creative products. It’s not just in our products that purity is of prime importance to us – we believe our business identity should be equally unadulterated and authentic. That’s why I jumped at the chance to partner with Quality Guard. Thanks to them, we’re assured of first-class food safety and hygiene!”

Marianne Vandererfven

Marianne Vandererfven

Delicatessen Vandererfven

“You need to have a good eye for detail if you want to meet high quality standards. We find the Quality Guard app a very handy tool here. The app makes it simple to record values, monitor chillers and print labels complete with full allergen and nutritional information, compliant with the latest legislation.”

Boris Luypaert

Boris Luypaert

Primeurs Achiel

"Wie aan hoge kwaliteitsnormen wil voldoen moet oog hebben voor detail. De Quality Guard-app is een handige tool die ons daarbij helpt. Het is eenvoudig om te registreren, koelinstallaties te bewaken en etiketten af te drukken waar alle allergenen en voedingswaarden conform aan de nieuwe wetgeving, opstaan."

Johan Cannaerts

Johan Cannaerts

Proxy Delhaize

“We have a general grocery section – Delhaize is a Belgian supermarket chain – as well as being a quality butcher. We have noticed that our clients demand high quality standards. That’s why we try and pick out the best of both worlds, and so far we’ve been very successful in meeting our clients’ particular requirements. We wanted a self-monitoring system that we could use for both the retail side and the butchery. Quality Guard has turned out to be the perfect partner!”

Iete Heytens

Iete Heytens

Maya Seitan Makerij

“We focus entirely on high-quality artisanal products. We purchase regional ingredients and work to establish connections with all the workforces involved in the production process, from farmers to sales channels. That’s how we make sure we can deliver exactly the products our clients want. We hugely appreciate the role that Quality Guard has in our systems. Our identity as an organic business was a challenge for the self-monitoring system and it took quite a lot of work. But the final result is that we can now use the Quality Guard app with no problems at all – thank you Quality Guard!”

Vincent Impe

Vincent Impe

Impe Catering

“Impe Catering doesn't just provide catering for events, not by a long chalk. What we offer is an allround package, every i dotted and t crossed. That means we set very high standards for ourselves and make quality and flexibility our top criteria. We serve creative contemporary cooking and take the laws around food hygiene very seriously. Thanks to Quality Guard, our staff don’t have to spend precious time fiddling about with paperwork.”

Jelle Descamps

Jelle Descamps

Chocolatier Dumon

“Every day, our team devotes their energy and passion into producing top quality products, which are distributed to our sales points here and abroad. We’ve invested in frameworks, energy-saving approaches and machinery in our production facility in Torhout. As a result, our production is foodsafe, ecologically sound and low-energy. The Quality Guard app slots in seamlessly as an efficient tool for managing our self-monitoring system.”

Didier L’homme

Didier L’homme

Sport Vlaanderen

“Sport Vlaanderen offers scientific, financial and practical support for professional athletes. We want to make it as easy as possible for our sporting talents to achieve their ambitions and follow their dreams. A balanced diet is one of the most important ways that professional athletes can look after themselves – and that's why we keep our kitchens in perfect order. Quality Guard understands our vision and is a fantastic support.”

Lander Van Den Heede

Lander Van Den Heede

Vlaamse Overheid

“The kitchens of the Government of Flanders are responsible for filling about 6,000 stomachs every day, all across Flanders. As a Government service, it’s essential that we set an example for hygiene and self-monitoring. We have extremely stringent rules in all our kitchens and regular checks. Until recently, we were taking two manual temperature measurements of each fridge. Now we’re using Quality Guard’s unique wireless logging system to monitor temperatures continuously. As soon as any fridge becomes too warm, the automated system immediately notifies the responsible person. Quite frankly, we could no longer manage without it!”

Christiane en Alain Doyen

Christiane en Alain Doyen

Residence Christalain

“We have a retirement home in central Brussels with around 250 residents. Naturally, we aim to serve them delicious, healthy food! Lots of our residents are on special diets or can't eat certain things. So it’s important that we know exactly which allergens are in which products – and that’s where Quality Guard is the perfect tool.”

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